Healthcare Hiring

In a world of skilled talent shortages, fewer active candidates, and increased competition, we’ve got some solutions for your healthcare hiring blues.

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Healthcare Hiring

In a world of skilled talent shortages, fewer active candidates, and increased competition, we’ve got some solutions for your healthcare hiring blues.

About 65% of healthcare recruiters say it's more difficult to get quality candidates now than five years ago1

We can help with healthcare hiring

It's got to be meaningful

Healthcare professionals want to know what kind of impact they’ll make in a job, so you need to show them. Our employer branding solutions will help you build a compelling brand and value proposition, and tell a story that gives candidates insight into the meaningful work they’ll be doing.

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The human element

Connecting on a human level is key to engaging healthcare professionals. Our video app puts your face and voice to your job postings, by letting you record, edit, and post videos to our job ads.

The right fit

Healthcare workers’ skill sets are highly specialised. Our powerful search technology lets you zero in on the right candidates in our expansive resume database. We scan resumes, profiles, and social profiles, and even filter to narrow in on the certifications, licenses and skills you’re looking for. Then, email directly from the platform to help engage candidates quickly.

A direct approach

Busy healthcare workers aren’t sitting at a computer all day…but they are checking their phones. Our mobile app sends your job postings directly to targeted candidates’ phones.

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Have questions?
Call us at 0800 781 4377.

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  • Monster 2018 State of Recruiting Survey: Diagnosing the Healthcare Recruiting Problem