Emerging Workforce

They’re eager, and ready to work. We’ll show you how to attract and engage millennials and Gen Z job seekers – the workforce of the future.

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Emerging Workforce

They’re eager, and ready to work. We’ll show you how to attract and engage millennials and Gen Z job seekers – the workforce of the future.

55% of Gen Zers are on their phones five or more hours a day1

Grab their attention

Our video app lets you record, edit, and post videos to a Monster job posting. Your job posting gets life, and dimension, and candidates get a realistic view of your job opening, company and culture.

Emerging Workforce - How it works image 1

Reach them on mobile

Connect with members of the emerging workforce through our mobile app, which sends your jobs directly to targeted candidates’ phones.

Have questions?
Call us at 0800 781 4377

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  • The Center for GenerationalKinetics 2018 State of Gen Z Research Study