Leadership Skills and Management

Topics include: HR management skills, mentorship programs, off-site management and more.

Featured guides

A valuable employee is leaving the office
Three Ways Return-to-Office Mandates Risk Your Bottom Line
Many CEOs consider return-to-the-office mandates desirable, believing they will foster collaboration, increase oversight, and improve company culture. However, a recent academic study shows a global trend of return-to-the-office mandates failing. Companies are facing legal challenges ranging from being sued to employment tribunals awarding large compensation packages to workers who refuse to return. There are benefits to...
A tense discussion in the workplace
How Can Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Be Good For Profit?
The main responsibility of corporations used to be the generation of profits at any cost. Even today, there is zero point in a business behaving responsibly if, in so-doing, it puts itself out of business or generates less profit. That's why corporate social responsibility aims to contribute to profit, rather than being a net cost.
Resolving conflict between colleagues.
How do I resolve conflict between colleagues?
As a director, manager or supervisor, mediating in conflict is a challenge akin to tightrope walking. But it's a challenge that comes with the territory.
Woman on her computer responding to a request from a bad worker looking for a job reference.
What can you do if a bad worker asks for a reference?
If you’ve got nothing good to say, should you say nothing at all? What do you do if you’re asked for a reference for an employee that you can’t honestly recommend? While many might breathe a sigh of relief that a not so brilliant employee is leaving it’s possible that they may want a reference...
A woman looks eagerly at her computer
Why should I create a telecommuting strategy?
Most employees would kill for it. Most employers have doubts. With the right strategy in place, telecommuting can be a winner on both counts.
An effective manager addressing her staff while holding a cup of coffee.
What Makes an Effective Manager?
What makes an effective manager? Employee relationships, consistent communication and instructing by example are just a few notable characteristics.

All guides

How can I stop holidays affecting company productivity?

Has your organisation suffered through the annual summer and Christmas holiday crunches with too few disgruntled staff and too little productivity?

How can I engage with my employees?

Going that extra step further in connecting with the workforce can play a huge role in making each employee feel a sense of loyalty and belonging to the organisation they work for

This Is How To Be An Authentic Mentor To Employees

When Odysseus, the Greek warrior, was fighting the Trojan War, he entrusted the care of his son to his great friend Mentor – advisor and guardian to the royal household. The word has since come to mean an experienced and trusted advisor. While mentors often are ‘heroic’, incorporating a mentoring program into your organisation does not have to be a Herculean task.

How do I create a good blend of youth and experience?

Coupling the enthusiasm and ambition of youth, with the gardened knowledge of experience, could be the difference between success and failure.

How do I resolve conflict between colleagues?

As a director, manager or supervisor, mediating in conflict is a challenge akin to tightrope walking. But it’s a challenge that comes with the territory.

Why You Should Value Your Employees More Than Your Customers

According to this study published in the Harvard Business Review, happy employees are the primary architects of customer satisfaction. Yet Monster’s research says 57.6% of UK workers do not think their well-being is a priority for their employer.

What is my role as a manager in relation to work related stress?

Severe changes in a pleasant workforce can bring about undesirable stress and low motivation. It is essential to know how to handle these changes and keep the organisation functioning smoothly.

What are the pros and cons of hiring freelancers?

Freelance work can provide organisations with a great way to have short bursts of resource heavy activity dealt with effectively. At the same time knowing the downsides are equally important to make sure you deploy your efforts carefully.

What Are The Ten Most Common Management Mistakes?

Everyone makes mistakes, but as a manager your mistakes can have a big effect on both those above you and below you.

How should I manage problem employees?

Identifying potential problematic employees early on can help save you the trouble of issues in the work-place as well as a de-moralised workforce.

How can I make my employees happier?

As well as increased productivity, a happy workforce generally means lower staff turnover rates which is a great thing for any HR team.

How can I integrate new mothers back into my workforce?

New mothers are likely to have had at least 10 years of career experience that organisations can’t afford to lose.

How can I align my company mission with its values?

Your organisation’s mission statement is your key strategic marketing and business development tool. It defines your product or service and your goals to your employees, customers, vendors, suppliers, and to the media.

How can I avoid making an unfair dismissal when downsizing?

Employees due for parental leave during a downsizing can’t be easily targeted for redundancy. Be more aware of their rights to avoid discrimination

How can I break down the language barriers in the workplace – Q&A

Untitled Document I have recently taken on a member of staff whose first language is not English and difficulties in communication have arisen as a result of this. They are a highly capable individual and I would like to see them perform to the best of their ability and believe this will be achieved through…

How do I manage a new employee?
First impressions count and this couldn't be truer than when you're helping a new employee integrate into your team.