Leadership Skills and Management

Topics include: HR management skills, mentorship programs, off-site management and more.

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A valuable employee is leaving the office
Three Ways Return-to-Office Mandates Risk Your Bottom Line
Many CEOs consider return-to-the-office mandates desirable, believing they will foster collaboration, increase oversight, and improve company culture. However, a recent academic study shows a global trend of return-to-the-office mandates failing. Companies are facing legal challenges ranging from being sued to employment tribunals awarding large compensation packages to workers who refuse to return. There are benefits to...
A tense discussion in the workplace
How Can Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Be Good For Profit?
The main responsibility of corporations used to be the generation of profits at any cost. Even today, there is zero point in a business behaving responsibly if, in so-doing, it puts itself out of business or generates less profit. That's why corporate social responsibility aims to contribute to profit, rather than being a net cost.
Resolving conflict between colleagues.
How do I resolve conflict between colleagues?
As a director, manager or supervisor, mediating in conflict is a challenge akin to tightrope walking. But it's a challenge that comes with the territory.
Woman on her computer responding to a request from a bad worker looking for a job reference.
What can you do if a bad worker asks for a reference?
If you’ve got nothing good to say, should you say nothing at all? What do you do if you’re asked for a reference for an employee that you can’t honestly recommend? While many might breathe a sigh of relief that a not so brilliant employee is leaving it’s possible that they may want a reference...
A woman looks eagerly at her computer
Why should I create a telecommuting strategy?
Most employees would kill for it. Most employers have doubts. With the right strategy in place, telecommuting can be a winner on both counts.
An effective manager addressing her staff while holding a cup of coffee.
What Makes an Effective Manager?
What makes an effective manager? Employee relationships, consistent communication and instructing by example are just a few notable characteristics.

All guides

Develop a meaningful internship programme

There’s great potential in the market that is often overlooked because of the reluctance to have a strctured internship programme in place. Learn how to avoid this and attract quality candidates.

This Is How To Drive Long-term Performance Through People Management

A study entitled “Sustainable Organisation Performance Through HR in SMEs” has been undertaken specifically to address this oversight and begins by identifying four key stages that most SMEs find themselves in.

Seven Proven Ways To Manage A Multi Generational Workforce

Managing a multi-generational workforce is a nuanced and critical aspect of modern leadership. Up to five generations, from Baby Boomers to Generation Z, currently share the workplace, and leaders face the unique challenge of harmonising a diverse set of values, work habits, and communication styles. This article draws on insights from various experts and studies to provide actionable strategies for fostering a productive and inclusive work environment.

How can I prevent age discrimination in the workplace?

As an employer, what you need to do both to meet your legal obligations and create a fair workplace? Here’s our checklist.

How do employee motivations differ in various cultures?

You’ll never have one individual representing an entire culture. Hence a considerate view to take is one where you are actually managing a group of diverse and interesting personalities in their own right.

How can I offer the right incentive?

While there may be multiple incentive opportunities for your organisation to divulge in, choosing the one that is best aligned with your values and objectives will be the most beneficial to both employees and company.

How do I respond to employees’ social media activity?

With social media taking a large chunk out of each individuals time spent online, it’s no surprise the use of these popular sites has made its way into the workplace.

How should I manage a culturally diverse workforce?

A diverse workforce can help take businesses further by using new approaches that were previously not considered.

Six Professional Ways To Manage Conflicting Holiday Requests”

Whether it’s Christmas, August, or half-term, multiple team members wanting off simultaneously is a familiar scene in businesses worldwide. What are the best ways you can handle this? 

How do I prevent a disruptive employee from influencing others?

Problem employees can affect your department’s bottom line more than you might think. A negative attitude can have a far bigger ripple effect on a department than one employee’s deficient skills.

How do I manage off-site employees?

Advanced technology has led to an increase in the number of employees who work outside of traditional office settings. But for managers, telecommuters present a number of challenges.

What can I do as a manager if I’m losing credibility?

Being considered credible means you’re believed; plausible, worthy of confidence and reliable – all very valuable things for a manager to be.

What attributes would make me a great boss?

Much of what it takes to be an effective leader is learned behaviour. A lot of people have innate traits that could make them great bosses.

How do I use social media to engage with my employees?

Social media has become a popular force in the realm of networking. Accepting it as a new medium of engagement can result in positive outcomes.

What do I need to know to comply with the 2010 Equality Act?

Staying up to date with revisions in laws that bring your employees in question can help ensure you are well equipped and on the right track when making management decisions.

How should I approach my first managerial role?

It’s often forgotten just how much of a balancing act good management is. Good managers make their role look easy so what they do can look deceptively simple.