Leadership Skills and Management

Topics include: HR management skills, mentorship programs, off-site management and more.

Featured guides

A valuable employee is leaving the office
Three Ways Return-to-Office Mandates Risk Your Bottom Line
Many CEOs consider return-to-the-office mandates desirable, believing they will foster collaboration, increase oversight, and improve company culture. However, a recent academic study shows a global trend of return-to-the-office mandates failing. Companies are facing legal challenges ranging from being sued to employment tribunals awarding large compensation packages to workers who refuse to return. There are benefits to...
A tense discussion in the workplace
How Can Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Be Good For Profit?
The main responsibility of corporations used to be the generation of profits at any cost. Even today, there is zero point in a business behaving responsibly if, in so-doing, it puts itself out of business or generates less profit. That's why corporate social responsibility aims to contribute to profit, rather than being a net cost.
Resolving conflict between colleagues.
How do I resolve conflict between colleagues?
As a director, manager or supervisor, mediating in conflict is a challenge akin to tightrope walking. But it's a challenge that comes with the territory.
Woman on her computer responding to a request from a bad worker looking for a job reference.
What can you do if a bad worker asks for a reference?
If you’ve got nothing good to say, should you say nothing at all? What do you do if you’re asked for a reference for an employee that you can’t honestly recommend? While many might breathe a sigh of relief that a not so brilliant employee is leaving it’s possible that they may want a reference...
A woman looks eagerly at her computer
Why should I create a telecommuting strategy?
Most employees would kill for it. Most employers have doubts. With the right strategy in place, telecommuting can be a winner on both counts.
An effective manager addressing her staff while holding a cup of coffee.
What Makes an Effective Manager?
What makes an effective manager? Employee relationships, consistent communication and instructing by example are just a few notable characteristics.

All guides

5 Ways To Support Furloughed Workers 

With the Government’s furlough scheme now extended until October, furloughed employees are going to be worried and naturally employees want to know how they can provide some support. But with the scheme unfamiliar to all, and various rules in place, it can be a tricky area to navigate. Here Monster.co.uk shares five ways to support…

You Need to Make Your Meetings More Efficient

Even as we working remotely, we are getting together more than ever. That’s not necessarily productive. With the average UK employee wasting nearly 13 working days every year in unproductive meetings. In fact, nine out of ten workers admit that a third of each 60 minute meeting is a waste of company time. You need to…

How To Turn ’employees’ Into An Awesome Team

Turning your employees into a well-gelled team is not an overnight job. It takes time, patience and a lot of effort to get people working as one. But nobody said it was easy. If you find your organisation is made up of  individuals who only speak to each other when they need to, and barely…

Hire and develop ‘soft-skills’ to get the right fit

Soft skills are the personal characteristics that shape how we work and interact with others. The emphasis on finding the ‘right fit’ when hiring highlights their critical role for recruiters. 

You Need To Live Up Up To New Hire’s Expectations

Employees can have grand expectations when starting a new job, and it’s important to manage these by setting employees up for long term success. With these four simple tips, your employees will be more engaged and motivated to do great work. 

Better Ways To Make Sure Your Team Stay Motivated When It’s Quiet

How you can help your team stay motivated during quiet times When the pace slows it is easy for the team to take their foot off the gas and just cruise. And once your team is cruising it can be hard to get them motoring again.In these circumstances cracking the whip isn’t the most effective…

How to look after your employees’ mental health

With one in six individuals in the UK experiencing a common mental health problem in any given week, and over 15 million work days lost to work-related stress, anxiety or depression last year, it’s clear that workplaces need to do all they can to support the mental health of all their employees. Experiencing mental illness…

What can you do if a bad worker asks for a reference?

If you’ve got nothing good to say, should you say nothing at all? What do you do if you’re asked for a reference for an employee that you can’t honestly recommend? While many might breathe a sigh of relief that a not so brilliant employee is leaving it’s possible that they may want a reference…

How to support and manage graduates – 5 top tips
5 top tips to help you successfully manage your new Graduate hires!
Why bullying can cause even more pain for employers

Bullying in the workplace is a tricky situation to deal with. Here we help you with what you need to know and how to prevent any unwanted legal disputes.

What are the big motivation factors for employees?

Most workers really don’t leave for money but managers like to hear it’s the money, because that shifts the blame for losing employees away from themselves.

The debate over zero hour contracts

Our economy is becoming ever more reliant on technology. Whatever job you do there is very little that is not impacted in some way by IT, whether it’s the way your organisation does business or the manner in which you complete your tasks.

What do I need to know about the new flexible working rights?

Since 30 June 2014, all UK employees – no longer just parents and carers – have the right to request flexible working.

Should our organisation have a whistleblowing policy? Q&A

Whistleblowing policies are being accepted across both the private and public sectors as an essential element of risk management that can be used in tackling fraud and crime.

How Can Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Be Good For Profit?

The main responsibility of corporations used to be the generation of profits at any cost. Even today, there is zero point in a business behaving responsibly if, in so-doing, it puts itself out of business or generates less profit. That’s why corporate social responsibility aims to contribute to profit, rather than being a net cost.

Five important points to downsizing

There are plenty of reasons for downsizing, and it’s still happening – but how do you get it right for your organisation? Whatever the company size or profile, there are valuable insights and steps to consider when approaching this matter.