You Need To Live Up Up To New Hire’s Expectations

A woman is very happy as she hears on the phone she was won her dream job

When an employee lands their dream job, how important is it to exceed their expectations as an employer?

Employees can have grand expectations when starting a new job, and it’s important to manage these by setting employees up for long term success. With these four simple tips, your employees will be more engaged and motivated to do great work. 

Many workers become disillusioned once they enter the workforce. Businesses and HR professionals need to be conscious of how to keep their employees engaged after the “new job “excitement dissipates. From office perks to career progression, we look at how to keep delivering on an employee’s expectation of their dream role by creating a workplace people love.

Build great teams

We all know that teamwork makes the dream work.  It’s important for every workplace to have people working together who are the ‘right-fit’. People matter because most of us spend more time with our colleagues than our family. Ensure you have a senior team in place that creates a positive atmosphere and promote open communication and collaborative thinking. Further this by encouraging inter-team socialising; especially to break the ice for new starters. This could be as simple as a team lunch or you could go one step further and run a regular social event or a seasonal sports or quiz team to help enable this.

Map out paths of progression

It’s valuable to employees, both old and new, to know you’re including them in the business’s future plans. Keep your employees updated on operations across the business and have accessible, active leaders in the company who are working towards their team’s professional development. This could be goal-oriented, such as setting individual KPIs for staff to strive for. Having regular coach catch-ups or training sessions to up-skill existing employees for more senior roles will also be appreciated.

You don’t need to always tie ‘progression’ in a workplace to promotion.  Having personal development programs in place can also be a good incentive for employees. There are many ways to deliver this, such as bringing in third-party experts to deliver workshops around resilience or mindfulness.  Buying team members tickets to TED Talks. Sharing industry podcasts or free online training resources. A book-club with a relevant theme.

Stand up in the office

Creating a vibrant works-pace with good lighting, artwork and plants can help spark creativity and an optimistic mind-set each day. Beyond aesthetics, office perks such as free fruit or a good coffee machine can make all the difference. There are well-reported benefits of flexible working spaces – from standing desks to break-out rooms that allow employees to work autonomously without distraction when required or allowing for teams to come together and brainstorm ideas. In recent research from the British Medical Journal, standing desks have been shown to improve both health and performance.

Add meaning beyond the job

“The quest to find meaning” was described by Viktor Frankl as the primary purpose of life. Helping employees to find and create meaning in, and outside of, work has multiple benefits. The rise of corporate social responsibility (CSR) provides employers with an excellent opportunity. Align with good causes, and help your employees do the same. If you don’t have the resources to deploy a full CSR program, you could make smaller changes.  Use your imagination. Ask staff what is important to them! Company-wide meat-free day each month or improve your in-house recycling? Team fundraising or individual efforts? Another option to help employees fulfill this is to offer a paid volunteer day in addition to their annual leave, which they can use for a good cause that is important to them – be that at an animal shelter or charity fun run.

Wondering how to find a “Good Fit” for your next hire?

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