How can I integrate new mothers back into my workforce?

Welcoming new mothers back into the workplace is a strategic imperative in today’s talent landscape. With an average of a decade’s career experience, these professionals are invaluable, particularly in sectors where skill shortages are pronounced.

How Can You Support Returning Mothers?

Cultivate a Family-Friendly Culture

A family-friendly workplace is paramount. It’s not merely about retention but also enhancing your organisation’s appeal. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the UK underscores the importance of risk assessments for new and expectant mothers, ensuring their health and safety at work (

Facilitate a Smooth Reintegration 

A ‘Welcome Back’ meeting is essential. It should cover:

  • Updates on organisational changes.
  • Introductions to new team members.
  • Overviews of current and upcoming projects.

Sensitise Your Workforce 

Prepare your team to support their colleague’s return. HR Magazine suggests that awareness and understanding from colleagues are critical for a smooth transition (

Promote Flexible Working 

Flexibility in work arrangements is a critical factor in supporting working mothers. Ideagen’s blog highlights that offering flexible working to all employees can prevent a divided workforce and promote equality (

Address Post-Maternity Stress 

Support throughout maternity leave and upon return can alleviate stress. Maternity coaching has proven to be a valuable service in the UK for supporting new mothers (

Encourage Self-Care and Transparency

Advocate for self-care and encourage leaders to be open about their caregiving responsibilities. This normalises caregiving and empowers others to manage their work-life balance effectively.

Leverage Employee Resource Groups

 Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) can provide community and support, helping new mothers navigate the challenges of re-entering the workforce.

Align Work with Values

 Assist mothers in aligning their work schedules with their personal values, ensuring they can focus on what’s most important to them.

Incorporating these practices not only supports new mothers but also contributes to a more inclusive and productive workplace. By taking these steps, you can enhance your organisation’s reputation, reduce turnover costs, and become an employer of choice.

Act now: review your maternity policies, engage in dialogue with returning mothers, and begin implementing changes. Your efforts will not only support the mothers in your organisation but also foster a culture of inclusivity and respect that benefits all employees.