How to Create Accountability Without Pointing the Finger

How do you tread the fine line between motivating and discouraging?
We all want our workforce to want to do well. But promoting accountability – personal responsibility for getting strong results – is tough, and can often end in a blame culture developing within your team. Monster has some top tips to help you navigate this tricky line and get the most out of your team.
Set clear targets – and make them measurable
This one is simple. If you don’t set clear goals you can’t hold your team accountable. Make sure this is the first step you take.
Don’t focus on what wasn’t done – work out the next steps
A focus on how you solve problems – rather than digging up past wrongs will help the team take accountability and ownership of tasks. And, this is important, don’t just give your team the answers. No matter how quickly you want a task done – put the questions to them and ask for ideas and solutions. Listening to your team trying to solve problems will give you a better understanding of them – and help them feel like this si their task to excel at. You’ll get more out of them.
Lead by example
Admit when you’re wrong. Highlight an approach you took that didn’t work and how you pivoted to make it a success. It is so important to give your team permission to fail – without this many are too scared to try something new and results will suffer.It’s also important to defer to the team – admitting you don’t know all the answers creates an environment in which the team can learn together, from one another and collaborate.
Reward good behaviour and ignore negative behaviour
If someone hits their targets – or out performs them, shout about it. If you notice some original thinking or great ideas give that team member a platform to pass that knowledge on to the rest of the team. Heroing the positive behaviours in your team will mean people learn to emulate those who are working well and taking responsibility. Those who don’t won’t get accolades.
Be consistent
Our final tip is that you must be consistent. Whether that is in how you treat the team, or making sure you celebrate every win. True accountability only works if you as a leader are able to apply feedback and congratulations in a fair and consistent way, not playing favourites. This can be hard if you yourself are having a hard or busy day so try and set aside 5 minutes of every day to note down the positives of the day and share these with the team – that way you know you’ll make sure to reward hard work.