Company culture

Topics include: employee relations, employee communications, workplace culture and more.

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More Than A Month – This Is What Happens When You Love Inclusivity All Year

June is celebrated globally as Pride Month, a time to recognise and support the LGBTQ+ community. While the rainbow flags suddenly saturating corporate social media raise visibility, communities, employees, and job seekers are unforgiving of tokenism. They demand a genuine commitment to inclusivity that extends beyond these 30 days. We share four practical ways companies can authentically live inclusivity year-round, which, besides being the right thing to do, will also help you attract and retain top talent with credibility!

Three Ways Return-to-Office Mandates Risk Your Bottom Line

Many CEOs consider return-to-the-office mandates desirable, believing they will foster collaboration, increase oversight, and improve company culture. However, a recent academic study shows a global trend of return-to-the-office mandates failing. Companies are facing legal challenges ranging from being sued to employment tribunals awarding large compensation packages to workers who refuse to return. There are benefits to…

How Can I Support Autistic Workers?
Dr. Conor Davidson, a Psychiatrist in an adult autism team, outlines steps employers can take to support Autistic workers.
Know the Proven Importance of ‘Purpose’ in the Workplace

The importance of meaning at work – Why do your employees choose to do the jobs they do?  Just for the Pay?  The chance to work for a good cause? Are they answering a vocation or enjoy the monotony?  These are examples of work values, and they significantly impact employee job satisfaction and the success of…

How can you implement a four day week?

There’s no doubt implementing a four-day week has become an increasingly popular move for companies wanting to offer greater flexibility to boost staff recruitment and retention. In fact, 50% of UK companies now offer a four-day week to either some or all of their staff. Working four days can increase employee morale and productivity, but…

How can I define a workplace culture?

When asked how they would describe their company culture, many bosses will say they employ a ‘work-hard, play hard’ philosophy.

Is it time to review your HR policies?

Let your HR policies be dynamic to keep up with an evolving company.