How to screen candidates

Learn how to screen candidates, including how to conduct a phone screen, reference-checking tips, and tricks for sorting applications.

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A man working on a laptop
Algorithmic Hiring: This Technology Could Make Or Break Your Recruitment
Technology has always impacted recruitment. Now, new technology threatens to shake up the industry almost as much as when Monster invented the online job board 30 years ago – algorithmic hiring. At its most basic, algorithmic hiring involves a computer selecting candidates. The approach is gaining popularity in the US, especially among organisations aiming to streamline...
Managers sitting in front of a laptop computer, conducting a reference check.
Is it always too risky to make an offer before checking references?
A reference check can be illuminating and extremely valuable in your interview process. Get started today by posting a job for free at Monster.
A man working at a desk
How To Make Sure Your Business Is Protected From Negligent Hiring
Negligent hiring occurs when you take on an employee who proceeds to cause a problem to the company, another employee or customers.
One woman fills in a paper job application, while another in the background sends her CV online.
How To Decide If Application Forms Or CVs Are Better
When advertising for a new job, you need to decide whether you want your applicants to apply using a CV or by answering an application form you have created. Each method has pros and cons, which must be considered before deciding which suits your recruitment campaign. 

All guides

Algorithmic Hiring: This Technology Could Make Or Break Your Recruitment

Technology has always impacted recruitment. Now, new technology threatens to shake up the industry almost as much as when Monster invented the online job board 30 years ago – algorithmic hiring. At its most basic, algorithmic hiring involves a computer selecting candidates. The approach is gaining popularity in the US, especially among organisations aiming to streamline…

Is it always too risky to make an offer before checking references?
A reference check can be illuminating and extremely valuable in your interview process. Get started today by posting a job for free at Monster.
How to Find Good Hourly Employees
Attract qualified, skilled candidates with our recruiting strategies for hourly employees. Post your company's job openings and more at
What are the warning signs of a bad candidate?

These warning signs can help you identify whether your potential hire may be trouble further down the line, despite checking all your boxes at the interview.

How do I check a candidates references?

You are not alone in having been taken in by an inaccurate or dishonest CV. Take these simple steps to check each hire and your company should be able to identify which CVs are worthy of your time.

How can I analyse a candidate’s intangible skills?

It’s easy to find out about a candidate’s history of sales success or their advanced technical ability, but intangible skills may be harder to spot.

How To Decide If Application Forms Or CVs Are Better
When advertising for a new job, you need to decide whether you want your applicants to apply using a CV or by answering an application form you have created. Each method has pros and cons, which must be considered before deciding which suits your recruitment campaign. 
How can I read between the lines of a CV?

Trusting a CV completely will always be greeted with cynicism, however a few handy tips can help demystify the CV checking process

How do I put together a person specification?

When looking for an ideal candidate, a person specification can take preference over a standard job description.

How should I evaluate overqualified candidates?

Understanding the reasoning why an overqualified candidate would apply for a job can lead to making a valuable hiring choice

How can I screen job applications effectively?

Whether you get a response of 20 or 20,000 CVs, you need to know how to effectively evaluate every application.

How To Make Sure Your Business Is Protected From Negligent Hiring

Negligent hiring occurs when you take on an employee who proceeds to cause a problem to the company, another employee or customers.

How can I evaluate a candidate’s social skills?

Hiring decisions often focus largely on candidates’ technical skills. This can result in hiring employees who have the cognitive firepower to succeed but lack the social skills required to effectively use what they know.

How do I determine the best candidate?

Nothing a company does contributes more to its long-term success than recruiting the right talent. Here’s our ten point plan for getting it spot on.

What are the most common lies told by job applicants?
Most candidates are truthful. However, with so much at stake, it pays for employers to take the time to check.
What characteristics identify a job hopper?

If you’re discarding candidates just because they have switched jobs too many times, you could be missing great talent.