Emerging workforce strategy

Find out more about attracting and retaining today’s young adults who will be your company’s leaders tomorrow.

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young professional woman in a business suit holding brightly coloured folders, smiling confidently in a modern office environment. She appears to be part of a graduate scheme, with a co-worker visible in the background, working at a desk.
This Is How To Set Up Your Graduate Recruitment Programme
Learn how businesses of all sizes can establish an effective graduate recruitment programme. Discover strategies to attract, nurture, and retain top graduate talent, ensuring long-term success by integrating fresh perspectives and innovative thinking into your workforce.
A delivery worker on a bike with a mask looks out at the camera.
You Need To Know How Each Pandemic Perspective Changed Workers
We look at four different worker pandemic experiences and their implications for your hiring and retention.

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You Need To Know How Each Pandemic Perspective Changed Workers
We look at four different worker pandemic experiences and their implications for your hiring and retention.
The New World of Recruitment

How to navigate ghosting, catfishing, low unemployment, high demand and increased uncertainty in the world of work.     It’s a weird time in the world of employment right now. There’s talk of recession while we are still understanding the great resignation.We’ve tentatively entered pandemic recovery: but many businesses may be hit by rising energy costs….

Thinking of hiring an intern? Read this first

Internships can be great – but bad press has left many employers confused about the facts. If you’re thinking of hiring an intern, Tanya de Grunwald, founder of graduate jobs blog GraduateFog.co.uk and author of ‘How to Get a Graduate Job in a Recession’ has this advice:

This Is How To Grow: With A Government Apprenticeship Scheme.
Discover how this government apprenticeship scheme can help your business grow. This government initiative offers up to £1,500 per apprentice for companies with fewer than 250 employees. Learn about the benefits, eligibility criteria, and application process.
The Best Recruitment Strategies To Hire Right Now

Rapid advancement in technology have caused job seeker habits to evolve – with mobility and convenience playing a more important role in the job hunt than ever before.

How can I attract international candidates?
International recruitment has never been more accessible, and with current skills shortages it may never have been so necessary. 
This Is How To Set Up Your Graduate Recruitment Programme
Learn how businesses of all sizes can establish an effective graduate recruitment programme. Discover strategies to attract, nurture, and retain top graduate talent, ensuring long-term success by integrating fresh perspectives and innovative thinking into your workforce.