UK Candidate Survey – Coming out of Lockdown


UK Lockdown Survey

A survey among over 2,600 UK employees and job-seekers conducted by Monster reveals how employee values and motivations have changed since the start of lockdown.

We identify:

  • 11 things that are important to candidates
  • 6 values you need to include in an effective employer brand
  • 3 things recruiters need to change to succeed in the new market conditions.

Whether by choice, or due to market forces over a third of job-seekers (37 %) are now looking outside their current industry for roles and are considering either retraining or transferring their skills within a new sector. While many more of us are working from home, and that’s likely to continue – twice as many people rank length of commute as important compared to the ability to work from home at least part of the time.

A Challenge and an Opportunity

The new market is both a challenge and an opportunity for employers in the sectors that are growing – such as Warehousing, Logistics and Supply chain. There’s an opportunity to find quality, motivated talent from a wider pool than was previously available. There’s a challenge in attract talent to the sector, and changing your processes to bring cross-industry hires with transferable skills ‘up to speed’.

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