Sector Analysis: Supply Chain – Warehousing, Logistics and Delivery

Logistics Recruitment

Supply-chain, Warehousing, Logistics and Delivery recruitment impacts many businesses.

From those pivoting to, or increasing, deliveries, to anyone with physical stock that needs stored, managed and moved. We give an overview of recruitment for these occupations, including the different strategies companies will need to employ for different roles.

In Quarter four, the normal higher seasonal demand will be exacerbated by deeper lockdown measures. Monster’s September demand analysis shows over 40,000 open vacancies and growing in Warehousing, Logistics and delivery. While recovery in the economy as a whole is slow, demand for these occupations is already back at pre-lockdown, levels.

Vacancies in Logistics and Delivery occupations are rising fast

Our analysis shows a growing increase in vacancies at all stages of the supply chain: with over 40,000 open vacancies in September in Warehousing, Logistics and delivery. Demand has been increasing since April and is already back at pre-lockdown levels. Demand at all salary and experience levels has increased.

Open Vacancies in Logistics

Demand is rising fastest for Mid-Level Roles

Recruitment for mid-level roles ( £20k -£40k) fell fastest during the lockdown, but they have also been the fastest to recover – already at 128% of pre-lockdown levels in March.

Recovery by salary band

Over half of vacancies are for entry-level type positions, under £20k. These can’t be filled by hiring people already working in the sector. Companies need to attract new workers and workers from other industries. There is also a strong, and faster-growing demand, for experienced and qualified workers in the £20k to £40k bracket.


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