Hiring Happenings Podcast Episode Four – Technology

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Monster sponsors this informative monthly podcast for the recruitment industry. “Hiring Happenings.” brought to you by Recruiting Gym – home of recruitment training. Each month, Angela Cripps, Host and Recruiting Gym MD interviews two experts for their insights on the latest Macroeconomic Factors influencing your recruitment based on a PESTLE framework: Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal and Environmental.

Episode Four – Technology 

Our fourth ‘Hiring Happenings’ podcast sees host Angela Cripps discuss what is currently happening in the UK in relation to technological factors and how this relates to the recruitment industry with guests Rohit Kapoor, of Paiger,  and Wendy McDougall of Firefish Software. They get into data and it’s usage, automation, targeted sales, AI and how it’s impacting everything, social media posting, industry reports and skills shortages, leveraging technology and more!

Watch Episode Four now on YouTube:

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