Who should I pick as my right hand person?

Choosing Your Closest Professional Ally: The Key to Amplifying Leadership

“We have good corporals and good sergeants and some good lieutenants and captains, and those are far more important than good generals.” William Tecumseh Sherman

In leadership, the presence of a trusted lieutenant is not just a luxury but a necessity. As a leader, you’re tasked with a multitude of decisions and responsibilities that shape the future of your organisation. However, the journey to the top is not a solo venture. It’s here that the role of a close professional ally becomes pivotal.

Understanding the Role

Your closest ally in the workplace is someone who:

  • Offers a different perspective to enrich decision-making.
  • Provides the skills and support to execute your vision.
  • Manages delicate situations with diplomacy and tact.
  • Complements your leadership with their unique strengths.

Identifying the Ideal Candidate

When searching for this key figure, consider the following:

  • Trustworthiness: Look for someone with a proven track record of reliability.
  • Complementary Skills: Your ally should possess strengths that enhance your own.
  • Diversity of Thought: They should bring new ideas and perspectives.
  • Discretion: They operate effectively behind the scenes, focusing on results rather than recognition.

The Selection Process

To select the right individual, reflect on these points:

  • Self-awareness: Acknowledge that your success is amplified by collaborative effort.
  • Vision Alignment: Ensure they share your core values and organisational vision.
  • Ego Management: They should be confident yet ego-free, able to support without overshadowing.

Traits to Look For

Your professional ally should exhibit:

  • Strategic foresight to navigate and steer clear of potential pitfalls.
  • A robust work ethic that complements your own.
  • The ability to remain unflustered under pressure.

Making the Choice

A well-chosen ally will:

  • Enhance your leadership rather than overshadow it.
  • Bring competence to the table, not just loyalty.
  • Take on increasing responsibility, facilitating your focus on broader leadership issues.

In Summary

The quest for the right professional ally is not about a quick fix; it’s an evolutionary process. It’s better to operate without one temporarily than to rush into a partnership that doesn’t serve your leadership. Patience and careful selection will lead you to a collaborator who not only shares your vision but also possesses the capability to help bring it to fruition.

Reflect on the dynamics within your team and consider who might step into this crucial role. Seek out those who demonstrate the above traits and begin to foster a relationship of mutual trust and respect. Remember, the right professional ally is out there, and with careful consideration, you can form a partnership that propels you and your organisation to new heights.