
Manage Job Ads

You can gain a lot of insight and take control over your job postings. Get a quick overview, perform necessary actions and follow their performance at all times from within your account.

Get started

Click on My Jobs in the menu.

Views section

Which jobs do you want to see at the moment?

  • Active Jobs – default view displaying all the jobs you currently have live on Monster.
  • Incomplete Jobs – any jobs that have not been posted and need to be finalised before going live.
  • Pending Jobs – jobs which were posted with a future start date (on this date, the job becomes active).
  • Expired Jobs – jobs which have been expired, these can be copied and re-posted as needed.
  • Archived Jobs – jobs which have been archived (usually not being worked on anymore but can still be copied and re-posted).

Admin Users can view jobs posted by other users by using the Users drop-down menu and selecting the applicable person.

Job Actions

What action suits your needs the best?

There are several actions you can perform on your jobs, depending on the status and what you’d like to do.

  • Edit – make changes to your job, any changes made will take approximately 2 hours to go live. Making edits are free of charge unless you add additional regions, categories or enhancements on the second page.
  • Renew – post your job again, this will use an additional credit. If your active job has auto-refresh, it automatically appears as newly posted on the date of the refresh cycle. Performance data will stay tied to the job regardless of how many times it was renewed.
  • Copy – copy your job to post a new version of it, this option allows you to reset the performance and get brand new statistics.
  • Expire – if you have found the ideal candidate and no longer need applications, expire the role. This option is preferred to setting a custom expiry date.
  • Archive – if you no longer have use for the job, archive it. These jobs will be grouped into the same view and you won’t confuse them with recently expired roles.

Job Performance

Alongside the job actions, you can always see performance data. Views and applies will indicate how your job is performing.

Views are a combination of desktop and mobile views by candidates, and applies track the application activity – if you use Standard Apply you can retrive the applications in your account, and if you use off-site ATS the number indicates apply starts.

! Applies not hyperlinked? These are applications to your off-site Applicant tracking system. Monster can tell you how many people clicked the link, but not if they’ve completed the application process.