
Effective Job Description

Job Title: short, clear

Keep the job title straightforward by only using relevant keywords (major skill or requirement). There is no need to include location, salary or work hours as the search engine connects these components in the background.


The first seven words should grab candidates’ attention, considering that 86% of candidates start searching for jobs on a mobile device. We advise you always include the top three keywords you want to be found with in the first paragraph. There is no need for long introductions as it’s all about first impressions and motivating them to read your job description.


Be direct and to the point. The candidate wants to confirm that they can perform to expectations. You shouldn’t include every single task but focus on the core responsibilities, listing too many can seem overwhelming. Make it particular to the role and include the right keywords and synonyms.


Think about the keywords you’re looking for in the CV; help the candidate recognise themselves in your posting:

• Use bullet points and sort top to bottom by relevancy
• Prioritise required qualifications and let them know which are optional
• Avoid over using ambiguous terminology (i.e. team player, go-getter)

Salary & Benefits

Always show the additional value in your job offer beyond the wage. The salary, which is your primary offer, should be clearly marked, but additional benefits can help set you apart from the competition. Avoid marking your salary as “great salary” or “competitive” as this provides little information and changes depending on the applicant. We advise that you balance the number of requirements with the same number of benefits. For example:

• Additional education certification
• Pension and Healthcare
• Exceptional bonuses
• Company sponsored discounts
• Company culture: events, team buildings

About Your Company

What makes you different from the competition, especially in relation to the role? Give insight into who you are to make the candidate feel excited about working with you.

Next Steps!

Give candidates clear instructions on how you’d like to receive their application. Be transparent about the next steps in the description or auto-reply letter. Leaving a name always helps add a personal touch and gives the applicant a sense of assurance that their application will be reviewed by a person.