
Aggregated Jobs on Monster

What is Job Aggregation?

Job Aggregation, also known as Job Scraping or Job Collection is a common recruitment practice within the industry. Job Boards such as Monster and its competitors collect jobs from a variety of sources across the web, these may include company career sites, social media, niche job boards, partner specific feeds, and government relationships such as, state or federal websites.

Monster hosts aggregated jobs for free, which aid candidates trying to connect with and filter as many relevant jobs as possible. This has the added benefit of providing recruiters free job ads on Monster with a potential increase in additional visibility, visits and applications from candidates. Monster’s Job collection program is one of the many ways we are enhancing the value we provide both sides of the recruitment cycle.

Has your job been collected and displayed on Monster?

You may find that jobs you posted elsewhere, appear on additional platforms, such as Monster linking visitors back to the original source you posted on. These ads do incur a drop in ranking against paid Monster services in our search engine, but are none the less, very effective in promoting more traffic, unique visits, additional applications and of course, it’s Free!

Why buy a Monster job ad if I get free aggregation?

Jobs are collected based on meeting certain criteria and not all jobs will be aggregated, these job ads will also receive reduced exposure as opposed to a paid job on Monster. Paid Job Ads and enhancements are given the highest priority and receive higher ranking, better visibility and have more options for further distribution.

Contact us on 0800 781 4377 if you want to convert to a paid job ad or discuss other Monster solutions.

Is something incorrect or outdated?

Monster Job aggregation is fully automated and job ads are displayed with a simple text format. Once aggregated to Monster, the jobs will not update to meet changes made to the original and cannot be edited, only removed from Monster. Please contact us if you’d like to request a removal, but note that re-aggregation of the job cannot be guaranteed.

Who do I contact for assistance?

Please contact the Monster Customer Experience team if you have questions or need a job ad removed.

Use our contact form and fill in your question or request. If you wish to remove or discuss specific jobs, please provide link(s) to the ad(s) on Monster.