
Recruitment Video Checklist

Prepare everything on this list before you create a video for your job ads, career site, or social channels. Whether you are creating an employer branding video or a video specifically for a job opening in your company, this preparation will make creating and editing your video job ad effortless (and fun).

  • Determine Your Process

    First of all, find the solution that works for you: use a video creator app, use a vendor, or create the video on your own.

  • Written Script

    Make sure you don’t miss a thing by starting with a script. Ask yourself what candidates would want to know about your company and follow our Script Writing Best Practices.

  • Company Logo

    You will need to save your logo. If you don’t have it already, reach out to your marketing department. Your logo can have a solid color or transparent background – just make sure it stands out. 300 dpi is a great quality to shoot for.

  • Images of Workspace/People

    If your company has a repository of photos, choose a few, or just take some pics of your own. You can show your office environment, location, happy employees, products or anything else you want to share.

  • Videos of Workspace/People

    Your company may have videos of products, team-building exercises, or corporate events. But you can also shoot your own! Grab your phone and find people, places or things your target candidates would find compelling.

  • Brand Guidelines

    Make sure to review your company’s brand guidelines. Take note of logo usage, colour and font preferences, tone of voice, photography styles and anything that your video should align with. Consistency is key when building your employer brand.

  • Scout a Location

    Find a good place to film. It could be in a quiet conference room, break room, your office – the possibilities are endless. Just make sure there is good lighting and that you won’t be interrupted while recording. Once you have everything on this list, you will be good to go!